GFA rulling on Dreams FC vs. Real Tamale United, A Slap in the Face of Competitive Sportsmanship, and Breach of Competitions Regulations

have you guys fully read the contents of Article 33 of the Ghana Premier League Regulations?

It needs a complete review and Overhaul, if indeed we want a proper and Well respected football competition that will inspire confidence in the business community

There are several inconsistencies in that article, and a Big gap to allow for what RTU and Dreams FC did in essence the Regulations backs them, In fact any club can attempt Same in future with no adverse Consequence on them.

The GFA did not charge RTU in any of the Regulations under Article 33 [Forfeiture of Matches]

It actually means the GFA saw nothing wrong with the Game itself, even with the portions of Article 33 [2], which Grants Dreams FC the Right to retain the points and Goals Scored in that game.

By Charging RTU only through Article, 34 [6] [D] the FA is only Concerend that the Officials placed themselves in a Position that brought the name of the game into disrepute.

More importantly, Article 34[6] [D] refers to Offense that are not provided for in the Regulations, and therefore any of such is only determined by the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee.

For the FA to place an offense, they claim to be Impersonation, Yet Charge the club under the Article of Offense not provided for, is a clear manifestation of Double standards.

We can only grow the game when the Football Association stays true to themselves and apply the Regualtions and Statutes to its nearest minimum.

Picking and choosing some parts of the Regulations in itself is a way of bringing the name of the game into disrepute.

From the Current Ruling of the Disciplinary Committee, how do we ensure nothing of such sort does not happen in future competitions?

Chief Seidu Adamu

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