High Tension mounts in GFA Communication department as Henry Asante Twum goes ballistic on ‘Gang of three’

High Tension is mounting on the Communication department of the Ghana Football Association following the appointment of  Neil Armstrong Mortagbe, Patrick Akoto and Tophic Abdul Kadri Sienu to enhance the job of the department.

Intelligence  available to myjacobnarhtvonline.com, conversations, and publication by prominent members of the department has raised questions about the civility of the office following the arrival of the three.

According to our sources, the New members have been subjected to hostile reception by the Henry Asante Twum led office staff who have developed ‘cold’ feet toward the new addition.

but in what makes the situation disturbing is a social media post by Henry Asante, attacking Tophic Abdul Kadri, also known as Sheikh Tophic

In his Facebook post on Sunday after Dreams FC beat their Malian opponents in the CAF Confederation cup quarter final first leg victory, The outraged member of the GFA Communication  team with out Portfolio expressed his frustration  at Sheikh Tophic for seeking to take the shine away from what he (Henry Asante Twum ) has toiled to build.

‘Today some people who spoke ill about this brand while at 442gh are all over the place looking for glory, funny enough, I have seen posts from some people claiming endorsement and association’ Henry posted referring to Sheikh Tophic who recently assumed the position of Senior Manager for Communications at the GFA.

Sources within the GFA communication department says all staff members have been directed to report to Neil Armstrong Mortagbe, and his new team, a situation that has left Henry in  confused state of affairs with no clear sign of his current position in the office

Below is the post by Henry Asante Twum on Facebook taking Tophic to the cleaners

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