Protesting Accra Heats of Oak fans issue 10 point ultimatum to Board of the Club

Angry supporters and some Shareholders of Accra Hearts of Oak have issued a 10 point ultimatum to the Board of the club following a mass demonstration on the streets of Accra

The Protestors, who are aggrieved with the downward trend of the 21 times Ghana Premier League Champions have called for a total overhaul of the Board of the Club.

Carrying placards with several inscriptions that goes against the Board Chairman Togbe Afede, and the management, the supporters  have insisted that the club be given a new direction

below is the 10 point ultimatum issued by the fans is for the transformation of the club:

1. We urge the Board Chairman to go by his word of retiring the already tired
moribund Board and appoint fresh ones for renewed energy on the Board.
2. In considering the appointment of the new Board the minority shareholders should
also be invited to propose for a slot or two depending on the total number proposed.
3. The NATIONAL CHAPTER COMMITTEE (NCC) should also have their slot
returned to them on the new Board to restore the dignity and importance of this key
organ of the club.
4. We urge the new Board/management and the NCC to form a joint committee tasked
purposely to come up with innovative ways to get our many supporters make a direct

monthly contributions to the club. Supporters are prepared to do so depending on
the mode and its transparency.
5. We ask the Board Chairman to act quickly on the RIGHTS ISSUE to inject more
capital into the club.
6. Beyond the above, we ask that we go further beyond the “Right Issue” to float yet
fresh shares worth about GH300 million as proposed and was adopted at the 2018
Shareholders meeting(AGM)
7. These are in line with an attempt to address the shortfall of revenue in the running
of the day to day activities of the club. We surmise that, the over reliance on SAS
loans and its cumulative 24% annual interests is not healthy for the club in the long
run. Every measure must be taken to halt this unhealthy policy.
8. We advise that, technical scouts must be appointed to monitor good quality players
with resalable value to be the focus of our recruitment policy.
9. We reckon the Gh2 million cumulative revenues from our sponsors(GOIL, SAS,
SUNON ASOGLI) are completely inadequate and does not measure up to the huge
publicity the brand Hearts of Oak offers them. We urge the Board Chairman to have
another look at it for upward renegotiated terms.
10.Lastly we urge the Board Chairman to, as a matter fact, halt all avoidable debts
resulting from wrongful termination of contracts of players and technical teams
which cases almost always go against us at the STATUS COMMITTEE of the FA.

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